The Proximity

Proximity concept refers to the closeness in time and space. Indicates the state, quality, sense, or near reality. properties of mutual closeness. If, however, give more thought to that word, you'll find that proximity is composed with 5 dimension. Three basic dimensions, time and human factor. From the urban point of view, it is also a very important tool for  urban quality and the determination of the nature of housing. 

In the first place, it is the physical distance (house, street, community, district, city, country, continent). In the past, people have chosen where would they live, work, manage their businesses according to the availability of their daily habits and needs. Often these decisions were conditional things as: a source of income, availability of goods and services, school, family and friends, leisure activities, weather, crime, the distance from the airport, cultural opportunities, recreation. Anyway, the request for the physical distance has changed. The cause is much greater mobility of people. What constituted a long distance once is a matter of minutes today. We eat where it's nice, we buy where it´s pleasant, we relax  where it´s comfortable and the fact that it isn´t close to our "community" we absolutely mind.

Proximity may also be understood as a part of a social dimension (family, friends, neighbors, other citizens, a chance meeting). Importance of natural social networks in the present world is underestimated. Modern technology allows us to communicate with people thousands of miles away, across the world. Human interdependence involves more than "digital and transcontinental communications. (We should not forget that natural communication is possible only at the local level.) It is not just about business life, family life, and entertainment. These are all much more together and creating social ties. As modern technology changed people, so people are changing the city. This living organism functions as a water and seek ways to put the last resistance.This is changing the concept of Proximity. Overcoming distance causes the laying of minor importance to community life and their surroundings.

One of the good examples of relativity of the poximity is the installation that was at the Venice Bienalle 2010 at Romania Pavilion. It was a small room of which you can have a look through a small whole. Also you could also step inside, shut the room and be watched. It was already been much more unpleasant. Personally I think that in this case no matter how far you are. This is one of the example when understanding of the proximity as a tool isn´t helpful.

The frame above shows us how easy can the distance vary depending on feeling and way of looking. Also, things we see seems to be closer than hiden things. Despite the same distance.Great communities are founded on great ideas. At the same time our most admired communities become a magnet, attracting the brightest minds. It´s clear: “Bright minds make community great, and great community attract bright minds.”